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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Official Statement Regarding CNocturna's Withrawal from the Alliance

It all started with CNocturna’s bid on Feather City, that bid was originally a block so that Amity would avoid a Dual Def TW Schedule from Sanctify and Torment. Hours before the schedule of Amity’s Def with Sanctify and the block from CNocturna’s bid on FC, CN announce that the bid on Amity would be an all out war and that attendance is a must for that specific TW.

Now 20mins before the bidding Ephipany asked Laurenze on where they plan to bid. Laurenze stated that he wanted to take Feather City. Naturally one would question Laurenze’s intention on attacking Feather City as it is in the ownership of Amity who is one of our allies. Of course Ephipany did not agree on the idea of attacking Amity especially without Amity’s consent. But due to Sanctify and Torments bid on Amity, rumzy had CN bid on FC in order to manipulate the time of the TW Schedules since they had nowhere else to attack.

Around 2pm we talked with Laurenze and he said that he wanted us to give Feather City to CN because it was what their councils wanted. When I ask why their councils wanted it his answer was because Feather City was originally owned by CN before the territorial reset. I suggested that they talk with Amity since Amity is the owner of Feather City and not Exiled. But he insisted that Feather City be given and that we should agree to it because it was what an alliance was all about. Then Ephipany and I suggested a way for them to come to an agreement with Amity and that was that they have a friendly TW with Amity for Feather City, winner takes the territory, that simple. But again they insisted that the territory should be handed over because it was what an alliance was about. At this point a lot of the CN members were getting in on the discussion. Some agreed to Laurenze’s idea and other’s opposed. Since there was no use talking with them Ephipany and I merely observed their discussions. A few minutes later kOdiaK (CN’s Former Master and current Marshal) logged in and I saw that they had a chat room with him as host. I do not know the details but after a short while kOdiaK suddenly resigned as Marshal and left the clan.

At around 2 hours before the Scheduled War swity_beb invited me to their chat room where they were finalizing what they were going to do. They just told me that their plan was their own so I just said okay since I had no say in the matter.

During Amity’s RG for their TW with Sanctify I informed them that CN might make a serious attack on Feather City and that they should choose as to where they were going to defend. Yurichi decided that they will continue with their original plan of defending White Mountain from Sanctify and that they would leave Feather City alone and make CN decide as to whether they would really destroy their CB or just let the 3 hours expire, thus Yurichi ordered Amity not to enter Feather City.

When I logged in at CN I noticed that their clan roster dropped from nearly 200 to 170+ and that a lot were ranting in their clan chat so I merely observed first on what they were talking about in order to get an idea as to what happened during the time that I was offline there. Based on what I read from the members it seemed there were some people who were furious because it was announced that they would have an all out war with Amity but when the TW started they were ordered to stand down and anyone who opposed this was kicked from the clan. There were also some that left because of kOdiaK not being in the clan.

While they were discussing things got a bit out of hand when Laurenze told the members that Ephipany made a statement about Nocturna not being able to exist without Exiled, because of this misai who was also logged in and quietly observing got furious but in order to avoid more tension from the existing problem I requested misai to just leave and not get involved in the discussion. So with fewer members in the clan and a clearer clan chat (during the afternoon the clan chat was flooded by the members) I tried once again to talk about the issue at hand with Laurenze. I was told that they were treated unfairly and that the alliance left them hanging. I honestly do not know the reasons or whatever it is that happened that they felt they were treated unfairly or that the alliance did not support them. So I kept asking why? Where? When? How? I wanted to know so that I might resolve the problem. But I was always answered with “Oh you know it already” or “Why don’t you ask yourself” and stuff like that. I was also told by Laurenze that they really did feel unfair treatment from Exiled and that I had no right to judge what they were feeling, but still I got no answer as to where the unfair treatment was based on. So as I was not getting the answers I needed I kept on repeating the question. When they finally decided to answer my question it was revealed that they felt that they were unfairly treated when rumzy left CN to join Exiled and his friends followed him. They said that Exiled did nothing in order to help with the internal problems of CN and just accepted rumzy and his group because they were high levels and that was all that we were after from CN. While explaining to them what happened regarding rumzy, the man in question suddenly appeared (he was reading everything since the beginning) and went a bit ballistic in the clan chat and I believe he said something that was a bit foul to FreA, I wasn’t sure what it was as the chat window was going fast again. Then after a while the discussion shifted to the issue regarding Feather City again. As I stated before I suggested to them that they talk with Amity’s Councils because they were the owners of the territory. I kept on repeating this over and over but Laurenze insisted that I was the one managing Amity. I told him that I merely observe during Amity’s meetings and that I give suggestions and options to them, not order them as to what to do with their clan. This is the same as with all allied clans of Exiled, their respective Clan Masters are the ones to decide and not me or Ephipany or Exiled’s Councils. After all that’s said and done, after ¼ of the clan members either left or were kicked they suddenly said that it was all an act and it was just a psychological test in order to determine what CN really was to the alliance.

Certain Details and Exiled’s side reactions:

1. Why would CN attack Amity for Feather City without Amity’s consent, we should communicate with each other since we are an alliance in the 1st place.

2. Feather City does not belong to Exiled therefore Laurenze should have talked with Amity and their councils and not with Exiled, regarding his desire to own Feather City.

3. Because of the territorial reset ownership of a land by a clan has been erased. Therefore their reason that Feather City should belong to CN because CN owned the land before the reset is useless.

4. Laurenze stated that Ephipany said that CN would not exist if it were not for Exiled, which Ephipany never said, because of this misai wanted to get involved in the discussion due to Ephipany’s name being involved directly.

5. When they talked with us regarding Feather City they were demanding that the territory be given to them, but what they posted in their FB Page was that they asked for it in a nice way.

6. According to them the unfair treatment that they felt was because of Exiled’s accepting rumzy and his friends into the clan. They said that we just openly accepted them without trying to help CN resolve their internal issues. Some of you who would be reading this know that I tried to help rumzy make peace with CN but it was rumzy who felt that their issues would not be resolved.

7. Somewhere during the discussion Laurenze stated that it was unfair because Amity has more territory that CN and that being an alliance it should have been equal. If everyone remembers correctly during the start of the bidding of the freshly wiped territories, Amity made their 1st bid on the southern part of the map and CN made their 1st bid on the northern part of the map above Sword City where they were wiped out. Weeks later CN made a bid at the southern part of the map besides Amity. Naturally Amity would have more lands that CN because CN was late in placing themselves where they are now.

8. The CN councils also keeps stating that when other clans of the alliance ask for lands they were allowed to get those lands, but when they asked for a land they were rejected. To clarify more on this during last years territorial war scoring KONOHA was given a land which was owned by CN. This action was made with the consent of frav03 (CN’s handler that time). If frav03 rejected the plan back then, KONOHA would not have been given that land. Exiled has never made an allied clan make a bid through force. The bids and plans of every clan within the alliance are done with the respective clan master’s consent.

9. CN councils stated that what they did was in order to also get freedom from the alliance. If they wanted to severe their alliance from Exiled, why did they have to do all that they did and risked the clan’s members and reputation? A lot of members were kicked from the clan and some of them left due to all the commotion that was happening. They could just have talked with Exiled that they wanted to break away from the alliance.

10. CN councils also said that they wanted to be independent from the help of other clans. Laurenze said that he did not need help from other clans. If so, why do all that they did and not just tell Exiled that they wanted the alliance to stop helping them in their TWs?
11. Exiled does not want to break alliance with CN but ultimately it was Laurenze who announced that they were no longer allied with Exiled.

Personal Reactions:

1. Some of the people in CN told me that Exiled had forsaken them if so then explain to me as to why most of my characters were in CN and that every week those characters are present during their TWs. Those characters are even more active in CN that the councils themselves.

2. Amity was the one who struggled in conquering Feather City, why would I agree to Laurenze’s demand in giving him ownership of FC. They should have talked with Amity and really ask nicely instead of demanding like they did.

3. The councils should not have announced an all out war with Amity if all they had planned to do inside the battlefield was to just stand inside the base and have Amity freely kill them. By common sense due to these actions some members would be pissed off.

4. Laurenze told me that I had no right to dictate them on their feelings that they were unfairly treated. Well by using his own words, I also had no right to dictate rumzy on his feelings regarding his issues with CN so that’s why when he said that he really wanted to leave CN I did not stop him. I had also no right to dictate his feelings on wanting to join Exiled. He’s a friend of mine. He wanted to join. Exiled had slots, so I accepted him. The same goes for rumzy’s friends that wanted to be in the same clan as him.

Note: These are my personal reactions when had I calmed down. If there are those who wish to know how I was reacting when I wasn’t calm then simply talk with me but be ready to be shocked by what I will be telling you. ^_^

- Janepher


Anonymous said...

OMG OMG! I didn't expect that all of these will happen. Argh, talking with someone who is closed-minded will end up with nothing and everything will always look senseless... >_<

Anonymous said...

to to to toink toink, toink toink! psychological test my ass!haha sinabi lang ni Laurenze yon dahil napahiya na siya kasi yung plano niya na magpapakill sila sa Amity ay hindi nangyari!hahaha kabobohan talaga, mahirap pag bobo ung Clan Master,kakaawa nangyari sa CN :((((

Anonymous said...

Tsk. Things like these should be dealt with personally, if possible. It really is sad/disappointing that this had to happen. I'd like to hear his side of the story, but based on what I've read, our clan is better off without him.

Unknown said...

very well said,,

speechless. =/

Anonymous said...

Well, it seems that CN has already been Independent with some other stuffs unlike before when Rumzy leads the clan.

Anonymous said...

Well, all we can do is to respect that decision and move on. No sense trying to be civil when they weren't civil to begin with. Sana lang wag nilang baliktarin yon kuwento, ibang usapan na yon.

Anonymous said...

nahulugan daw ng mv neck +6 c jarmie sa dc west?